Creative Minds, 2002

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Hello, welcome to Creative Minds Art Contest, 2001. 

As all contests do, Creative Minds has some basic groundrules.  PLEASE take the time to review them before you nominate a piece of art!  Thanks!

Also, please keep in mind that this is an anime and manga contest.  If a piece of fanart is not based on an anime or manga serious, it will be automatically disqualified!!


All imagetures are property of the artist; all characters are properties fo their respective companies.  No imagetures are being used on this site without the permission of the artist.  This is a non-profit site and contest.

*Fading Eclipse*Dragon's Quill Web Collective*

Winner of OVER ALL winner will recieve a manga vol of their choosing


How to Nominate


Anyone can nominate a image; however, it would be nice if we didn't get all self-nominations (but they are accepted and encouraged).

All nominations must include :

  • Name of Nominator and email Address
  • Name of artist and email address
  • Name of series the image comes from.
  • Title of the image, if applicable.
  • Characters in the image
  • A URL to the image.
    (*ONLY the winning images will be uploaded to this site.)
    E-mail Ryu~Itsutsu before nomination to be hosted.
  • Category of nomination.
  • If the image is a lemon say so. Any images that are and aren't labeled will be deleted w/o notice.

Nominations lacking any item from the above list will be DELETED.

There is a links page. If you want to be linked, please email Cassiopeia.
~Thank you

Accepted file types

The image MUST be in a .htm or .html format. I will not accept .jpg, or other image files.  If they are not, I will delete the mail without warning. Many servers will not allow a direct link to images.  I really do not have time to email everyone and ask them to change the image. I'm sorry!

Number of Entries per Artist

The same artist can be nominated more than once, but not more than twice per category (lets give everyone a chance).

A image CAN be nominated for multiple categories (Only two categories for the same image).

An artist can only enter 3 categories at the most. After that any image nominated from them will be disqualified.

Art by Judges

Art by Judges *can* be nominated. If a judge has a piece
in a category they will not judge that category. There will be three judges per category. If you would like to judge, e-mail Cassiopeia.

How Judging works

Judges will rate each piece of art on a scale from 1 to 5. One being the worst, and five the best. The artists will not see this, only Ryu~Itsutsu and I will.  We will add the numbers together and the artwork with the highest combination of placings will win that category.

The images that win individual awards will be entered into an overall category. If the piece wins the Overall category, then the runner up in the individual category will win the individual category award, not the Overall winner.


Take Note!
Lemon Entries

**Please, if a image is a lemon, or is in anyway explicit, make a note when you nominate it. It will be labeled as a lemon and no judge under 18 will be assigned to that category. If there is no warning when you send the image in, it will be deleted.


Any piece nominated that contains these elements will be deleted!

Category Qualifications

There must be at least four images in a category for it to be judged.

Please make sure that a piece isn't already nominated for the category you are nominating it for.

Nominee Rights


All nominees have the right to deny their participation in this contest. However, the winning works will continue to be posted at this site.  Acceptance is implies permission to house the winning entry.



Once you have nominated a person's artwork a confirmation E-mail will be sent to both you and the nominee. If a nomination is denied by the nominee, the nominator will be informed.




No flaming of the artists, judges, or site mistresses will be tolerated, nor will flames in any way change the winners. In the event that a flamer is a participant of the contest, all entries, including nominations, will be disqualified. Please be respectful of everyone.


*ALL* images belong to the artist and are not used to make money.
Do not take them without the *ARTIST'S* permission.


Side Note
Mailing List

Creative Minds has added a mailing list. Any participants in the contest MUST sign up.  You don't have to be an active member of the list, but you do need to have it set up to receive Admin emails.

Subscribe to Creative_Mynds
Powered by groups.yahoo.com

All series within are property of their respective companies. No money is being made
in the production of this site. Please see the Copyrights Page for specifics.

All art within is property of the artists. Do not take without permission!
Graphics and Design co. Ryu~Itsutsu and Cassiopeia.

Art for rules provided by Su-chan.